Friday, June 3, 2011

Between imagination and reality

I really love reading. With a book in my hands I can forget all the things around me and it can teletransports me to a whole new world, a world full of mistery, romance, magic or drama. I think that is what I love the most about reading. You can escape to anywhere only with your imagination.

I remember what my first book was; it was about chebubs, and their pranks in heaven. It was a very sweet book. My mom gave it to me to introduces me in the “reading’s world” when we were in a “Feria del libro”, I don’t remember when was it, but it was a very good strategy of her.

Since that moment I can’t be separate of a book in my hands or my mind… Usually during the study time I’m always thinking of a new book to read, and I wait till the summer to devour some book, but it’s very funny because during the whole year I spend time thinking in different books and then I try to read all of them so I can’t finish not even one.

This summer wasn’t the exception, I bought a book named “Come, Reza, Ama”, yes, just like my blog! I was so eager to read it, but I couldn’t finish it. Like I always do =(

Actually it’s a sad situation because I really love reading, I would like to have something to read all the time…¬¬ and I have something now but lately it’s always about dentistry’s stuff, unfortunetly.

Before university I wasn’t be like this. In school the last book I read I remember was “Chocolate” written by Joanne Harris. It’s wonderful! The writer knew how to transmits you all the magic flavors and aromas that makes the characters fall in love.

There is a movie about that book, I saw it before reading the book. But the book it’s a thousand times better, I think that is always like that. Because reading you can imagine the story just like you want it.


  1. I don´t know this book...

    Could you borrow me this book???

    see you later

  2. When I was in the school we had to chosen one from two books and all the women read this book :)
