Friday, June 24, 2011

There is something I really like, to see a good movie, nice and warm under a blanket in a rainy day eating something delicious with chocolate xD, unfortunately, lately, most of the times I felt sleep because I’m very tired at the end of the week. But these days I had more time and I could see lots of movie, since time ago I wanted to see “el secreto de sus ojos”, I heard a lot from the book and the movie, and I finally I saw it. It’s very very good, totally recommend. It’s an Argentinean movie ending take you for surprise.

I like to watch all kind of movies, except the terror ones, I hate it, I don’t have a nice time watching it, and then I persecute my selves with stupid ideas which last for too long, I think xD I know, it’s dumb, but I can’t avoid it.

I love watching romantic movies, without Juan Pablo of course, because I always end crying like a child and he laugh at me, that totally take away my emotional moment xD. I remember when I watched “P.S: I love you” since the very first moment till the end I cry and I cry, I couldn’t stop. That’s why that kind of movie I watch it alone, I usually download it from internet websites or I watch it online. If you know how to search on web you can find any movie you want.

The last week I went to the cinema with a friend, Carlitos, we watch X-Men eating potato chips, it was funny, I didn’t know anything about the story of X-Men, but you don’t need it to enjoy the movie.

Oh! I almost forget Pixar’s movies, especially The Pixar’s Short, I love them, so genius, do have seen any of them? Here is one of my favorite. I hope you like it!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Between imagination and reality

I really love reading. With a book in my hands I can forget all the things around me and it can teletransports me to a whole new world, a world full of mistery, romance, magic or drama. I think that is what I love the most about reading. You can escape to anywhere only with your imagination.

I remember what my first book was; it was about chebubs, and their pranks in heaven. It was a very sweet book. My mom gave it to me to introduces me in the “reading’s world” when we were in a “Feria del libro”, I don’t remember when was it, but it was a very good strategy of her.

Since that moment I can’t be separate of a book in my hands or my mind… Usually during the study time I’m always thinking of a new book to read, and I wait till the summer to devour some book, but it’s very funny because during the whole year I spend time thinking in different books and then I try to read all of them so I can’t finish not even one.

This summer wasn’t the exception, I bought a book named “Come, Reza, Ama”, yes, just like my blog! I was so eager to read it, but I couldn’t finish it. Like I always do =(

Actually it’s a sad situation because I really love reading, I would like to have something to read all the time…¬¬ and I have something now but lately it’s always about dentistry’s stuff, unfortunetly.

Before university I wasn’t be like this. In school the last book I read I remember was “Chocolate” written by Joanne Harris. It’s wonderful! The writer knew how to transmits you all the magic flavors and aromas that makes the characters fall in love.

There is a movie about that book, I saw it before reading the book. But the book it’s a thousand times better, I think that is always like that. Because reading you can imagine the story just like you want it.


One day on 2005 my older brother and my sister in law got my family together in my house. They wanted to tell us they’ve been taken the decision to adopt a child. They tried so hard for so long, but the nature didn’t let them and no doctor had a good explanation. All of us got very excited because the news. Since that moment all we wanted was to receive one special call of them, THE call! And we did, tired of waiting and so eager, months later almost a year in September of 2006 (because the SENAME’s people really do their job making them sure that you are a really good candidate), all the adoption’s paperwork and many previous evaluations was ready and my brother was in Copiapo to take this beautiful kid home. Her name is Tamara, now she’s 5, almost 6 years old and is my niece. This is a picture of her, with her little fingers offering you some of her tasty strawberry. I love this picture, I really do, and even it was my wallpaper for a long time. I think it’s so cute and tender. In it, my brother (the photographer, of course, he’s crazy for her) knew how to capture all the essence of my niece. Always so generous, untidy, with her face, hands and clothes so stained because the lots of fruits that she usually eat. I have two brothers, and she is the only grandchildren. So you can guess we are besotted with her, of course! Is the baby of the family. In my house there are photos of her everywhere. But with no doubt this is my favorite.